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                            Zoning & Building Codes


The Zoning Ordinance

The Zoning Ordinance amendment- Short-Term Rentals (09-05-2023  

Southern Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan - Martic Township - adopted 2.6.2023


Zoning Districts - to determine a properties zoning district, please reference the Zoning Map or contact the Township office. 

A     - Agriculture District 

HC   - Highway Commercial District

NC   - Neighborhood Commercial District

RC   - Rural Conservation District

RLD - Residential Low Density District

SR   - Shoreline Recreational District 


Zoning VS Building permits

Pre-Application Agreement (MOU)



Please note: Payment to the Township must be received with the application.  

To find out what the fee amount is, please contact the office prior to dropping

off the applications. 


Building Application

Zoning Application

Please note for the applicants who are submitting a Demolition application and are

expecting Storm Water credits, exact measurements of the structure(s) being

removed must be submitted on the application. 


Storm Water notice!

As of August 4, 2015, all applicants requesting a permit, must submit a storm water application even if you are expecting a credit. If in doubt as to which application you need for your project, please contact the Zoning Officer at                717-844-3065.  All water run-off must be contained and maintained on the property.  Water is not allowed to run onto your neighbors property or the roadways! 


SWM (<1000 sq. ft. accumulated impervious area)  ***


SWM (1,001 - 2,500 sq. ft. accumulated impervious area) ***

SWM (2,501 - 5,000 sq. ft. accumulated impervious area) ***  Escrow fund required

SWM (>5,000 sq. ft. accumulated impervious area)  ***    Fee Schedule specifically for SALDO & SWM  Escrow fund required


*** You may ask 'what is impervious area'?  

An impervious area is a surface that prevents or impedes the infiltration of water into the ground (water from reaching and soaking into the ground).  


Impervious Surface Examples:

  • Anything with a roof; new buildings, pole buildings, sheds, etc.

  • Parking Lots

  • Driveways (paved, stoned, gravel, etc)

  • Roads

  • Walkways/ walking paths

  • Crushed gravel surface

  • Patios/decks

  • Anything paved

  • Greenhouse/permanent structure (not a hoop structure which will be lowered and removed after the growing season)

  • Barn

This list is not a complete list of impervious examples.  In in doubt, please contact either the Zoning Officer or the Township Engineer to discuss your specific project.


Non-Impervious Surface Examples:

  • Grass

  • Meadow

  • Woods/Forest

  Homeowners Guide to Stormwater (What you need to know)


Other Applications:

Home Occupation Application


Petition to Re-Zone


Driveway Application (Township roads only)


Road Occupancy Application

UCC- Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals (Instructions and Application)

Short-Term Rentals (please contact the Zoning Officer at 717-844-3065)

     only granted after Zoning Hearing Board approval

Information on a 2nd Dwelling unit


Township Fee Schedule


Zoning Officer:  Dennis Shenk,

 (meetings by appointment only)

Phone:  717-844-3065


Building Code Inspector:

Pete Kingsley

Commonwealth Code Inspection Company

Phone:  717-278-0964

All applications, are submitted to the Township office for processing.  If you have any land use or permitting questions, please feel free to contact the Zoning Officer at

(717) 844-3065



Landlord/Tenant Issues

Martic Township does not have a Property Management Ordinance. The Township may not become involved with Tenant/Landlord disputes, as this is a civil matter between the two parties.  Inspection requests, by Tenants, must be approved by the property owner/Landlord.  You can read this informative document from the Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership (LHOP). It answers most questions and helps point you in the right direction. Another helpful resource is: Landlord & Tenant Guide.


Citizen Complaints

Please note:

Property line issues and/or neighbor disputes are a civil matter between the two property owners and the Township will not become involved. We recommend contacting an engineer to have a survey done of the property or an attorney to discuss your dispute. 


Martic Township will investigate written complaints and we thank you for alerting the Township to a possible violation, however the Township will only follow up with the Complainant if more information is needed. We will not give an accounting of the outcome of the investigation. 

Written complaints (either on the Citizens Complaint Form or via email) will be reviewed.


Please be specific with the information regarding your complaint.  Include the address where the violation is occurring, the specific type of violation and where it is located on the property.  If possible, photos are welcome! You must sign and date your complaint. ALL complaints, once accepted by the Township, will be kept confidential (unless needed for testimony). 


After submitting your complaint, either the Township Zoning Officer or the Road Foreman, will validate it. If needed, a letter will be sent to the violating property owner giving timelines for compliance. If these timelines are not met, an Enforcement Notice will be prepared and sent to the property owner. 



Martic Township

370 Steinman Farm Road, Pequea, PA 17565

Office hours:  Monday - Thursday

8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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