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Zoning Hearing Board

The Martic Township Zoning Hearing Board meets the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM, as needed.

Please give the Township a call to determine which meeting date we are currently scheduling.


Print an application or stop by the Township Office, during regular business hours, to pick one up. 


The Township Zoning Hearing Board is made up of three Township residents and one alternate member, that meet to review requests for Special Exceptions, Zoning Variances and Zoning Appeals.


Members are:  

Melissa Anderson 

Laura Finberg

Donna Rineer

Ryan Anastasio (alternate)

ZHB solicitor:  Julie B. Miller


After the application is received, a public notice is placed in the local newspaper two times, posted at the Township building and posted at the property, prior to the hearing date.  All ZHB meetings are open to the public. 


Any questions pertaining to a Zoning Hearing, may be directed to the Zoning Officer. 









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