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U.S. Senators

John Fettermann

248 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

(202) 224-4254

Robert Casey

393 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

(202) 244-6324; Fax (202) 228-0604

200 N Third Street, Suite 14A

Harrisburg, PA 17101

(717) 231-7540; Fax (717) 231-7542


U.S. House of Representatives

Lloyd Smucker (District 16)

516 Cannon House Office Building 

Washington, D.C. 20515

(202) 225-2411

51 S Duke St, Suite 201

Lancaster, PA 17602

(717) 393-0667


State Government Officials

Governor of Pennsylvania

Josh Shapiro

225 Main Capitol Building

Harrisburg, PA 17120

(717) 787-2500

State Senate

Scott Martin (District 13)

183 Main Capitol, Senate Box 203013

Harrisburg, PA 17120

(717) 787-6535, 1-800-235-1313

123 North Prince Street

Lancaster, PA 17603

(717) 397-1309; Fax (717) 299-7798


State House of Representatives

Bryan Cutler (District 100)

51A East Wing, House Box 202100

Harrisburg, PA 17120

(717) 783-6424; Fax (717) 772-9859

33G Friendly Drive

Quarryville, PA 17566

(717) 284-1965; Fax (717) 284-1968


Lancaster County


150 North Queen Street, Suite 715

Lancaster, PA 17603

(717) 299-8300

Lancaster County Offices

LC Planning Commission

150 North Queen Street, Suite 320

Lancaster, PA 17603

(717) 299-8333

LC Recorder of Deeds

150 North Queen Street, PO Box 1478

Lancaster, PA 17603

(717) 299-8238

LC Assessment Office

150 North Queen Street, Suite 310

Lancaster, PA 17603

(717) 299-8381

LC Tax Collection Bureau

1845 William Penn Way

Lancaster, P A17601

(717) 569-4521; Fax (717) 569-1623



LC Treasurer

150 N. Queen Street, Suite 122

Lancaster, PA 17608

(717) 299-8222

Veterans Affairs

150 North Queen Street, Suite 103

Lancaster, PA 17603

(717) 299-7920

Voter Registration

150 North Queen Street, Suite 117

Lancaster, PA 17603

(717) 299-8293

District Justice (02-3-04)

23 East State Street

Quarryville, PA 17566

(717) 786-7368

State Dog Warden

Lancaster County

(717) 562-1527

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